Unleash Your Voice

Join Vocalmatch Sessions and turn your passion into stardom. Session 1 ends December 20th with a Grand Prize of $1,000!
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Download the Instrumentals and Lyrics of "Ride Your Wave"

Record and upload your cover your rendition to YouTube, TikTok with hashtag #vocalmatchsessions

or upload your video using this form


Maximum file size: 15MB

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I record a rendition of the featured song?

To record yourself singing the featured song "Ride Your Wave", you have several options:

- The easiest option is to just record your self using your phone camera while the instrumentals track is playing in the background on another device. The sound quality with this approach may be limited depending on your phone's recording quality.

- Another option is using high quality recording equipment that connects to your computer or phone.  There are a lot of options available for high quality, low cost, recording equipment that will get you near professional quality without breaking the bank.

- The final option is to use a studio to record a professional quality performance.  You can contact various studios in your area to see what their rates are. 

Will submissions be judged based on the quality of the recording?

No.  As long as the recording quality is good enough to determine the level of talent and style, a lower quality recording will not be held against you.

Can I submit more than 1 entry?

Only one entry is allowed per person.  If you have a reason why you would like to replace your current entry, please reach out to the team at [email protected]

Do I have to use the instrumentals track in my rendition?

No, your are more than welcome to use your creativity and musical talent to create your own background track, record with some friends, or do an a cappella performance.  As long as the lyrics and general song structure remains recognizable as the same song, the submission is valid.  